Judul: Evil Plans: Cara Gila
Menguasai Dunia
Penulis: Hugh MacLeod
Penerjemah :Ratri Prakoso
Editor: Mimi Jamilah
ISBN: 9789790245693
Halaman : 215
Penerbit : SerambiHarga : Rp 34.900
The Hunger to do something creative.
The Hunger to do something amazing.
The Hunger to change the world.
The Hunger to make a difference.
The Hunger to enjoy one’s work.
The Hunger to be able to look back and say, Yeah, cool, I did that.
The Hunger to make the most of this utterly brief blip of time Creation has given us.
The Hunger to dream the good dreams.
The Hunger to have amazing people in our lives.
The Hunger to have the synapses continually fired up on overdrive.
The Hunger to experience beauty.
The Hunger to tell the truth.
The Hunger to be part of something bigger than yourself.
The Hunger to have good stories to tell.
The Hunger to stay the course, despite of the odds.
The Hunger to feel passion.
The Hunger to know and express Love.
The Hunger to know and express Joy.
The Hunger to channel The Divine.
The Hunger to actually feel alive.
The Hunger will give you everything. And it will take from you, everything. It will cost you your life, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.
But knowing this, of course, is what ultimately sets you free.
(terjemahan ada di halaman 11)
Tak perlu berdebat panjang lebar!
Buku ini penuh dengan ilustrasi yang menawan guna mengimbangi ambisi yang dituangkan.
Beda itu perlu, dengan semangat kuat dan rencana matang yang "GILA" maka kita bisa menguasai dunia.
Buka pikiran lebar-lebar saat membaca buku ini, jangan berdebat dengan apa yang disebutkan tapi cobalah untuk menelaahnya lebih lanjut hingga menemukan benang merah yang tersebunyi
Tidak sama sekali
motivasi yang sangat baik untuk menguasai dunia, mungkin bisa dimulai dengan menguasai sekeliling kita